Ashton Shepherd - Ashton Shepherd - Takin' Off This Pain şarkı Sözleri


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Forum Üyesi
17 Mart 2019
Tepkime puanı
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I've got a cold beer in my right hand
In my left, I got my wedding band
I been wearing it 'round now for way too long
And I'm more than ready to see it gone
And I'm the only one who can set myself free
So I'm taking off this pain you put on me

I remember when you gave me that ring
It was supposed to mean something
Instead, it didn't mean a whole lotta nothing
You don't never even talk to me
I just get to do your laundry
You sit there and you watch the TV
Even when I'm looking sexy

But now I got this cold beer in my right hand
In my left, I got my wedding band
I been wearing it 'round now for way too long
And I'm more than ready to see it gone
And I'm the only one who can set myself free
So I'm taking off this pain you put on me

And right now I'm feeling so right
Hey, I'm having a ball tonight
And I'm being noticed for the first time in a long time
How're you doing sitting at home?
I hope you feel lost and alone
And I hope you miss me every second that I'm gone

While I got this cold beer in my right hand
In my left, I got my wedding band
I been wearing it 'round now for way too long
And I'm more than ready to see it gone
And I'm the only one who can set myself free
So I'm taking off this pain you put on me

Yeah, I'm the only one who can set myself free
So I'm taking off this pain you put on me

I've got a cold beer in my right hand
In my left, I got my wedding band


Harbi Üye
Forum Üyesi
2 Mayıs 2020
Tepkime puanı
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Yığıntı - 8kez - kaynak mağazam - Uğur Ağdaş